What Are The Important Attributes Of A Good Journalist?


There are many different types of publications. There are news magazines that are recognized nationally, and there are newspapers that serve small towns. There are trade journals that publish scholarly articles, and there are consumer magazines that feature products such as cosmetics. What makes a good journalist would vary depending on the type of publication. Each type of publication expects something different from each journalist. However, there are attributes for a good journalist that is common to all kinds of publications.

A Good Journalist Is Always Curious.

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Curiosity impels a good journalist towards their goal. Curiosity is what motivates an excellent journalist to ask the right questions. An apathetic or passive person will not be motivated to ask questions. A competent and conscientious journalist will regularly ask questions and will always seek the complete truth.

A Good Journalist Is Skilled In Writing.

With excellent skills in writing, a journalist will be able to write enthralling articles rather than merely average articles. Any writer must love words. A successful journalist should be able to write articles that are concise and accurate. The articles that a good journalist writes should be able to engage the reader’s attention even though they are constrained by the number of words that they can write.

A Good Journalist Is Widely Knowledgeable.

A good journalist must be aware of events that are currently happening worldwide. He must have the latest information by reading a wide selection of magazines, newspapers, and web sites. Knowing background information on diverse topics is also very useful.

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A Good Journalist Has Impeccable Interpersonal Skills

The appropriate skills in communication are essential for a good journalist. A good journalist knows how to frame questions during interviews properly. A good journalist knows how to write articles that will appeal to the readers.

A Good Journalist Understands The Code Of Ethics

Journalism is a very competitive industry. Very many journalists often sacrifice their code of ethics to be famous or to gain notoriety. A good journalist should be able to balance their code of ethics with their need to uncover the truth. Journalists should gather more information to maintain the accuracy of their article even if this delays the article and risks losing a scoop.

A Good Journalist Is Confident And Professional

Even a journalist who has just started his career in journalism should act professionally rather than acting like an amateur. Being professional means being able to accept criticism from editors regarding their articles. It means being able to meet deadlines. It also means the willingness to work odd hours.

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A journalist should have the confidence to allow their work to go under public scrutiny regularly. However, they should be aware of their limitations, and they should try to improve themselves.

A Good Journalist Is Disciplined Even If Persistent

Success in journalism usually comes after years of working hard. A good journalist must be disciplined and persistent throughout this time. Journalists must sharpen their skills in finding good leads and reliable contacts. Good stories do not often present themselves to journalists. Journalists should be persistent in going after the truth.